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Ambulance waiting up to 8 hours as COVID ravages LA

Posted by / January 4, 2021

Ambulances are waiting up to eight hours in COVID-ravaged Los Angeles. Despite record numbers of COVID cases and deaths, some 30% of Californians are violating stay-at-home orders. Meanwhile, as the state prepares to extend the stay-at-home orders, groups of maskless protestors are gathering to sing Christmas carols in protest. Perhaps that is why a whopping 6 people are dying per hour in Los Angeles County. 

A poll revealed that 69% of Americans support Biden’s proposed federal mask mandate as COVID numbers skyrocket around the nation.

California continues to break COVID records, and as a result hospitals in the state are being “crushed” by an influx of patients. ICU beds are rapidly disappearing, especially in the southern half of the state.

Donald Trump has tweeted 729 times since the election, and none of those tweets were about COVID’s death toll. If that doesn’t show you he isn’t taking COVID seriously, try this on for size. Pfizer said that it has millions of vaccines ready to ship out, but the federal government hasn’t directed those shipments.

Jenna Ellis, one of the lawyers on Trump’s legal team, has COVID. If you’re hearing Queen’s “Another One Bites the Dust” ringing in your ears… Rudy Giuliani, the center of media spectacles about the so-called stolen election, has COVID. His son, Andrew Giuliani, also has COVID.

The White House, already chock full of coronavirus cases, is hosting nearly a dozen indoor holiday parties.Donald Trump Jr. tested positive for COVID two weeks ago. In case that doesn’t make it abundantly clear that Trump doesn’t care about COVID and who gets it––and who might die because of it––a whopping 130 Secret Service agents are either COVID positive or quarantining after Trump refused to quarantine (and took a victory lap from the hospital where he was recovering from COVID).

More news.

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