Trump losing support of evangelicals, troops
Posted by Josh Taylor / September 2, 2020
Active duty troops now prefer Joe Biden to Donald Trump by a slight margin, which is part of a larger downward trend for Trump. If that weren’t alarming enough for Trump, a recent op-ed in The Hill by an evangelical couple suggests that their coreligionists might be getting fed up with Trump.
Polls are showing a shifting landscape. The latest polls suggest that voters are much more enthusiastic about voting for Biden than they were in March––48% say they’re very excited about voting for Biden. But Democrats should not get cocky. Trump has him beat: 65% of Trump voters are very excited about him. Trump’s favorability ratings––that is, how people feel about Trump––are dropping slowly but steadily.
Suburban women, many of whom voted for Trump in 2016, are experiencing so much buyer’s remorse that they’re rallying against Trump. Similarly, Vermont’s Republican governor Phil Scott has said he will not be voting for President Trump and would in fact be considering supporting Biden. That’s yet another Republican to leave Trump’s camp. The anonymous Trump official who wrote a devastating op-ed against Trump has spoken up again, this time to encourage voters to get Trump out of office.
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